

Clothing = garb is the oktoberfest-slogan. In germany almost every visitor wears traditional octoberfest costumes - and so should you! Here are some links and product recommendations for you.

Kathie Rezalou / "Alpenprinzessin" kathierezalou.de (exklusive!)
Lodenfrey www.lodenfrey.com
Fuchsdeifeswuid Vintage-Dirndl Facebook-Page
Moser www.trachten.de
Wirkes www.trachtenshop.de
Stoffwandel in der Au, München www.stoffwandel.de
custom-made shoes www.selve.net
Edelnice www.trachtenmode.eu
Tracht (from ex Playboy-Model) Kinga Mathe (EN)
(more Design-Dirndls: trachteria.de)

Lola Paltinger www.lolapaltinger.com
Trachten Angermaier www.trachten-angermaier.de
Amsel Fashion www.amsel-fashion.de
Seide à la carte www.seidealacarte.de
Startup from Regensburg www.tracht-couture.de
Dirndl.com www.dirndl.com

Bavarian Stuff www.bavarianstuff.de
the "bavarian suit": www.opposuits.de (EN)
Pöllinger www.trachtenstore.com
Hirmer www.hirmer.de
Berwin & Wolff www.berwin.de
Daller Tracht www.daller-tracht.de

Very pretty: Womens 3-Piece Dirndl with Gingham Skirt

Do you want the attention of all the men during your octoberfest visit? No matter how much beer you can drink? ;-) Buy this awesome traditional octoberfest costume with 3 pieces - you will feel like the top-star of the Oktoberfest in Munich! We think even about a money-back-guarantee for this :-)

German Alpine Hat (Adult)

Do you know that in the south of germany - yes, in Bavaria, the birth house of the original munich oktoberfest - in the small villages the old men lift their hat instead of saying "hello"? yes, they can be very special, these bavarian people! And you can feel special, too! With this classy hat - get it!